PT101- Foundations of Piano Technology

This is the first course in the program.In order to service pianos in any capacity, it is important that you understand the mechanics of the instrument. You will learn about the history of the piano, and how it is constructed. The piano will be dissected and each part in it will be identified, for both upright and grand piano cabinets and actions. You will also learn the basic music theory that is required to tune a piano, including note names, intervals used in tuning, calculation of note frequencies, and the concept of leverage that plays an important role in the way the piano works. The physics of sound will be discussed. You will also learn cabinet nomenclature for both upright and grand pianos, and the names of action parts and felts.

Course Tuition Fee: $150 CAD (no specialty tools required)

PT102 - Tuning

Learning to aurally tune a piano (by ear) is a challenging task. You will be taught how to listen to the notes of the piano in a non-musical manner. "Beats" are the single most important phenomenon to a piano tuner. You will learn how to identify and count them. You will learn now to tune unisons, octaves, and will learn the meaning of the temperament and how it has evolved. You will learn how to set A440, and to set a temperament using both the circle of fourths and fifths, and equal temperament method. Important tuning tests that determine the accuracy of the temperament are explained. Knowing what a pitch raising is, and when it should be done are discussed. You will learn what a "false" beat is, what causes them and what to do about them. When tuning in the high treble and low bass registers, you will learn how to "stretch" the octaves, and why it is done. Common issues that arise during a tuning are identified. Note that even after the course has been completed, you are expected to continue practicing your tuning while taking other courses.

Course Tuition Fee: $1,200 CAD (specialty tools included in tuition)
This course is bundled with PT109 and PT110.

PT103 - Upright Piano Regulation

Regulation is what makes a piano "feel" right, and involves many inter-related adjustments required to make all of the keys respond uniformly. There are approximately 20 adjustments per key in an upright piano that correspond to events that must occur in a particular sequence and distance apart. You will practice these skills on your practice upright piano. You will learn some of the issues that may arise during upright piano regulation.

Course Tuition Fee: $1,000 CAD (specialty tools included in tuition)
This course is bundled with PT104, PT107 and PT108.

PT104 - Grand Piano Regulation

Regulation is what makes a piano "feel" right, and involves many inter-related adjustments required to make all of the keys respond uniformly. There are approximately 25 adjustments per key in a grand piano that correspond to events that must occur in a particular sequence and distance apart. You will learn some of the issues that may arise during grand piano regulation.

Course Tuition Fee: Bundled with PT103 (specialty tools included in tuition)

PT105 - Field Repairs

The piano is an extremely complex machine that from time to time will develop problems related to the environment, neglect or natural aging. You will learn the common repairs that can be done in the customer's home, and the importance of coming prepared to fix these problems for your customer.

Course Tuition Fee: $1,000 CAD (specialty tools included in tuition)
This course is bundled with PT106 and PT108.

PT106 - Shop Repairs

From time to time, the problems a piano have are too complex or time consuming to fix in the customer's home. For certain instruments, it may be necessary to move the piano to your workshop to complete. These types of repairs are known as "rebuilding" a piano, and are usually much more expensive and extensive than field repairs. There will be times when this type of work may be ill advised. You will be taught how to diagnose problems that require expensive repair, and when the repair may be cost prohibitive. You will also learn what additional tools you may require to set up a fully functioning workshop.

Course Tuition Fee: Bundled with PT105 (specialty tools included in tuition, regular shop tools not included but readily available at any hardware outlet)

PT107 - Voicing and Tone Regulation

The tone of a piano can range anywhere from very mellow, to extremely bright. This is referred to as the voice of the piano. You will learn how to regulate the voice of a piano by altering string alignment, reshaping hammers, and needling hammers.

Course Tuition Fee: Bundled with PT103 (specialty tools included in tuition)

PT108 - Other Piano and Action Types

There are many other types of pianos that you may encounter that can be somewhat problematic in your travels as a technician that bear mention. Although the way the piano works has not changed much during the last 100 years, there were several departures in design from the modern upright and grand piano action, and there are 19th century pianos that have endured the test of time which have designs that are no longer produced. These types of pianos will be presented with the challenges that come with tuning and servicing them.

Course Tuition Fee: Bundled with PT103 (specialty tools included in tuition)

PT109 - Assessments

An important service also offered by many technicians is the assessment. You will learn the difference between the verbal and written assessment, and what to look for in both upright and grand pianos when doing an assessment. Several actual scenarios are presented that will help develop your assessment skills.

Course Tuition Fee: Bundled with PT102 (no specialty tools required)

PT110 - Running a Successful Piano Service Business

Most technicians are self-employed. In order to prepare you for this venture, various methods of advertising and marketing your services must be utilized, including the use of popular social networking sites. You will be in a better position to service your clients if you keep good service records. The importance of membership in guilds and associations, and participation in conferences and meetings cannot be understated, and are presented. If you are not in a position to start your own business, methods of gaining practical experience until you can do so are presented. You will be provided lists of parts and tools suppliers.

Course Tuition Fee: Bundled with PT102 (no specialty tools required)

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Last modified: September 14, 2023

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